Aigul Akhmetshina

Aigul (CD)


Aigul Akhmetshina is the fiery young mezzo taking the opera world by storm. At the age of 27 Aigul has already etched her name in history. Her debut recording for Decca includes arias and scenes from Bizet’s Carmen, Massenet’s Werther, Bellini’s I Capuleti e i Montecchi, and from Rossini’s La Cenerentola and Il barbiere di Siviglia.“ 


[She has] wowed audiences across the globe with her powerful voice and undeniable stage presence.” Vogue

Her story is one of determination and perseverance against the odds, starting in a rural village in the mountains of Bashkortostan. She left home aged fourteen to pursue her singing career. Despite facing rejection from a conservatory in Moscow, where she was told she lacked the right voice and appearance, at the age of 27 Aigul has already etched her name in history.

She has become the youngest artist ever to take on the title role of Bizet’s Carmen at both the Royal Opera House and the Metropolitan Opera, both of whom have created new productions around her. Performing the role all over the world, Aigul feels an affinity with the character.

The brand new Met Opera production premiered on New Year’s Eve, and her story has been covered in Vogue, Forbes, the New York Times, Associated Press, the Washington Post and more.

Her debut recording on Decca includes scenes from key operatic roles she is associated with and performing. They come from Bizet’s Carmen, Massenet’s Werther, Bellini’s I Capuleti e i Montecchi, and from Rossini’s La Cenerentola and Il barbiere di Siviglia.

"I cannot be put in a cage. Like the character of Carmen, I always fight for my freedom."
Aigul Akhmetshina


BIZET: Carmen (excerpts):
L’amour est un oiseau rebelle
Seguidilla. Près des remparts de Séville
Mêlons! Coupons
Carreau! Pique!... La mort!

MASSENET: Werther (excerpts):
Werther! Werther! Qui m’aurait dit la place...
Va! Laisse couler mes larmes

BELLINI: I Capuleti e i Montecchi (excerpts):
Ascolta! Se Romeo t’uccise un figlio
La tremenda ultrice spada
Deh! Tu, bell’anima

ROSSINI: La Cenerentola (excerpts):
Nacqui all’affanno
Non più mesta

ROSSINI: Il barbiere di Siviglia (excerpts):
Una voce poco fa
Io sono docile

TRADITIONAL (orch. Rachimov): The Nightingale

Aigul Akhmetshina, mezzo-soprano
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Apollo Voices (Genevieve Ellis, chorus conductor)
Daniele Rustioni